Scheduling couldn’t have been more perfect! Three group shows in March! Heck yeah! With the newly State mandated Covid-19 quarantine regulations however, the galleries all had to close their doors to the public. But also to the artists!!! 90% of my work is inaccessible to me right now. Mid-April was the earliest pick-up date. Now there are talks of extending Ohio’s deadline until May. Which means I can’t pick my work up until the venues are able to open for non-essential business.
I thought this was a fitting image to sum up my emotions on the situation. There is artwork out there, all over the world that just wants to be seen & experienced. All of that artwork is as lonely and confused as many of us are. I hope everyone is being safe & responsible so that we can get back to our “old ways” as much as possible. If you are on the front lines of this pandemic, thank you. If you know someone who is on the front lines, thank them.
If you are one of the lucky ones who have the capacity to continue supporting local & small businesses, please do.
“Aeol”, 3 x 5 feet. Collage, ink, watercolor, colored pencil & gold leaf on board. $7,250